Friday, November 20, 2009

#27 Sweet nothings..

I’m always fascinated as well as envious of those who can produce reams of stuff anyday, anytime and on any theme. Penning comes as naturally to them as procrastination to me. I can sit for hours ( you know what I mean! ) staring at my laptop, fingers poised on my keyboard in apt readiness to capture whatever thought might issue from my brain before it disappears somewhere in the cosmos.. but nope.. nothing.. nada.. zilch…
Not that thoughts don’t cross my mind, rather they swarm it in a huge crowd that it puts me in a fix over which ones to catch hold of for gibbering over.. Try as I might, they simply don’t lend me a favour to being converted to blog posts, or any piece of writing for that matter.
I remember promising myself in the beginning of the semester to cultivate the habit of reading a lot more and writing more frequently and on topics that’ll broaden my horizons about the world affairs. you know, part of the maturing venture. The semester came and went by in a jiffy, and I am yet to start working on my resolution.. Amidst all the college activities, classes, coaching, societies and ofcourse the college magazine that kept me on my toes throughout the semester, I couldn’t find the will and energy for extra read or writing. And I am supposed to learn time management..
Me, sigh.

Ps: The semester( which has absolutely baffled me for ending faster than it had started) ended on a very sweet and motivating note. Can’t resist mentioning about the evening we spent with Pathik, one of the mostest loved and respected seniors in our college. Despite graduating form the college last year, he is still popular and looked upto by scores of juniors like me, who could not stop grinning for a long time after meeting him. Had a very long and much needed talk with him about a lot of matters, which left me satisfied and happier in the end, and helped me answer a lot of questions I had been asking myself since long. You know there are times when you know you have some issues to resolve with yourself and with others, but cannot figure out why and how, or sometimes what those issues are at the first place. And all you need then is a conversation with someone who shows you a sense of purpose and meaning to whatever is going through your head. I felt the same after meeting him yesterday. We don’t know each other too personally, but the guy’s presence spelled warmth and positivity, and left me feeling much more secure and driven towards doing things that matter and need to be done, at the professional academic or personal level. Hey you, thanks a lot :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

#26 Mysteriously Insane !

1:20 am. Its one of those times of the day when you ought to have been snoozing like a crazy log but you are instead sitting as alert as owl..

I am studying ( aint that obvious :P ) for an exam which starts in a matter of just 12 hours..

Even though I am terribly nervous regarding my level of preparation of an equally terrible subject that involves terrible cramming, I'm still shamelessly whiling away my time in the most meaningless ways.. While I type this post, my mind is rattling with a series of random crazy ideas, which gets me figuring. Isint it so weird what all can one's mind do even in the strangest of situations, like texting your friends you hadn't kept in touch with since ages, rummaging through your picture gallery, recollecting silly nursery rhymes with your roommates ( what was I thinking?? ) and laughing insanely until your jaw starts to hurt when you're in such a pressure-cooker situation!

Well, I figure one's mind is a mystery of sorts.

And will hope to figure out the solutions (hopefully) after my exams..

cuz the tension is finally mounting over me NOW!!!