" 10 years !!? " I ask. " How ?"
~ " Did you realize how you too are 4 months old in office already? Thats how ;) " . I get a reply.
" It seems like a vast ocean to me. And I'm still learning how to swim. Still not confident enough to take the plunge without holding on to someone. When will I be able to learn and get on at it entirely on my own. "
~ " You remember how three days back you were so scared of getting into water at the beach in Pondicherry? And how your entire team came together to build a wall around you to help you get in. Remember how they would hold you everytime you felt you'd fall. I saw how in no time you gained confidence and plunged in deeper in the water with everyone around you moving forward with you"
" Yes I remember, it couldn't have been possible without them. I loved how they helped me overcome my fear and blend in"
~ " There you go. You have the answers. It would work exactly the same way here. Everyone is there to help you out. That is why we all are a team, afterall."
PS: Had a team outbound to Pondicherry 3 days back.
3 days. 150 people. 4 buses. 8 hours journey.
Now I know what they really meant by Work Hard. Party Harder
Are you going to remain with SAP for 10 years too? Inspired that much? :)
But it's nice that you have such motivational factors. It's always helpful.
Do we know what we would be doing the very next day, let alone 10 years ? We never know how long our life is and where would it be taking us.
But as far as SAP is in the question, is does seem like a place one would want to spend years with.
Inspired, yes.
Inspired that much , even I don't know. I never do.
Of course, the future is a beautiful mystery and we live in blissful oblivion. I guess it's best to plan our best, move with it and leave the rest to the moment.
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