Sitting down to type a post on a particular issue in the head seems impossible now. There are days when I’m absolutely out of things to say/ do / think of. And then there are the days when I wish I had 36-hour long days. Last couple of months I was as idle as I could ever be, trying to look for stuff to do to save myself from succumbing to boredom post early-placement. However, the last 10 days have suddenly thrust upon me a jam-packed schedule for the last one month left of us in the college. It pinches the tiny corner of my heart everytime I think of the few counted days left. There were so many times when I prayed to God to get me out of this place. Now all I can do is pray for time to run as slow as possible, but He seems to be in no mood to listen to me!!
So since I’m too lazy and at loss of ample time for separate updates, here’s a glance at all that happened in my otherwise not-so-happening life in the past weeks.
1. Microsoft got scheduled to arrive in college for placement on around 14th Feb, for which I was eligible too, Microsoft being open for all every year. The same time my brother scheduled his visit to home from UK. He had planned a trekking trip to the Himalayas too, and I do not remember looking forward to a holiday this excitedly for many years now..
2. As luck would have it, MS postponed its schedule to 24th , and messed up all plans. Brother could only reschedule for 2 days later, so it was decided that I’d skip going home for the family reunion, and meet him in Delhi when he arrives instead. So I could get back to college and appear for the company, on the insistence of my family and friends who thought it was stupid to let go of the opportunity to go home, even though my prep was nil. I did the same only to be told on arrival at the written test hall that the placement cell decided at the last moment to modify the policies, which barred me from appearing since I was placed already. That left me extremely upset for having missed being with the entire family together after 6 long years, that too for something I wasn’t even allowed to participate in. I was told later that this was decided long back , which made me even more bitter for listening to some people who influenced my decision for staying back. I still get bitter at time I get reminded of the whole fiasco.
3. On the brighter side though, I got gifted my
new toy by brother :D :D .. and im in LOVE with it !!Can’t get my eyes and hands off it for more than 98 seconds :D
4. College fest in first week of march was crazy fun. !! This time me and my group of friends decided to not participate seriously, but just have random fun at all the events. Lots of running around, candy watching, screaming , howling, dancing , paint ball ( I chickened out and took shelter behind the guys :) ), the nightout (do not tell my mom about it , please ).. Ohh and did I tell you, I even got a picture clicked with the JAL band :D :D
The sudden death of a junior in a road accident was unfortunate though, and marred the excitement. R.I.P. dear junior.
5. This time I followed the cricket world cup from the semi finals, never has cricket been so thrilling !! Watching India’s matches in the hostel with 200 girls is a chaos, and watching the same on the big screen with thousands of others is a riot!! From face paints to trumpets to howling our throats out to hugging random strangers to newspaper pom-poms to mindless cheerleading, we did it all .

Does this still gives you the goosebumps :D
6. Our college magazine came out today. An entire year of our hardwork finally paid off and i'm thrilled with the wonderful feedback coming from everyone. Feels so great to be finally appreciated over something you put your heart and soul into. With that my journey with the Editorial Board came to an end too. On Monday’s meeting, when the chief suddenly announced the new team for the next session and told us we were no longer going to enter the meeting room ever again, it struck us final years really really hard. Like a SMACK on the face. It was over. 3 years of the wonderful journey got over before I even knew. I can still vividly recall my interview and the first day in EB meeting. Then we all were asked to say something to everyone and I saw everyone choking for words. I went completely blank when it was my turn, all I remember is ending up crying on being reminded that I no longer would be entering the room again. We all final years stayed back after the meeting and wondered how time flied. Out of all the things I’ll miss about the college , I know ill miss EB the most. It has transformed me a lot from the kid that I entered to the pseudo-lady( I think ) that’ll be laving soon.
7. Speaking of being a lady, they have organized this signature party in the hostel this weekend, which is basically a pre-parewell sort of thing where you wear dresses and walk the ramp. And they expect me to wear HEELS !!! Yikkkkesss… * faints *
The month is lined up with last events of societies and farewells. So loads of teary partings and speeches and messages and food and clothes.. And I’m not sure if im looking forward to it all. Feels like a big chunk of my heart is being chopped out of me and all the pain will be unbearable for me. I fail to understand what part of this college exactly makes me feel this way. But the idea of leaving the place I have accepted as mine over these years is freaking me out. As much as the excitement of the new life ahead post-college and the apprehension of what it hold for me are making me want to look forward to life less pessimistically, the mere mention of shedding and coming out of this cocoon makes me want to bury myself in it deeper….
You understand the mess in my head right ?