These people have pampered us, with two COMPULSORY [yeah, they get mad at you if you refuse :O] tea-breaks between lectures (in the mornings ) and lab (in the afternoon), a bus to ferry us in lunch break to and back from the hostel which is just about 500 mts away, freedom to use the lab anytime of the day and do whatever (read: facebook and chat :D ) and absolutely no restriction on hostel timings ! I just love this life :D
So we took their liberty to a higher level and decided to bunk the lab on friday , with the overtly loud mouthed obnixiously friendly lab attendant supporting us, and went to a mall nearby. All of us interns made a genuine effort to hang out together and get to know each other, and so it turned into a riot. From running up and down the escalators trying to play hide and seek, to 5 people fighting over one tiny piece of chicken topping over the pasta dish, to attacking the box of doughnuts like wild animals devouring on their prey, to the game of truth and dare with only one standard question for truth ( kaun hai, kahan hai , kab se, kaise :P ) and craziest dares ever, it was a day to remember. The people stared at us with bewilderment while we ran and screamed around with each other like chimps in the jungle. I'm sure they must have been contemplating calling over the security! We all returned late in the evening with scores of photographs and tonnes of memories , and friendships made for a lifetime. It was decided that we'd go there every friday after lab to gorge on the doughnuts.........since they sell them at half the rates then :D
The weekend was spent in shopping and roaming around the city, fighting with the autowallas over fares ( bargaining ka naya naya josh :D ),getting into the wrong buses and making a fool of ourselves ! ( "bhaiya, saket jaane ke liye ticket dijiye" .."madam, yeh bus saket se aati hai" ),acting smart with the guys ( " hum to yehin se bus lenge" , "but yahan se toh IIT ko bus jaati hi nahin ! " ), and nearly vandalizing the tantra showroom in search for that one size and colour !! And oh yes, we did bump into Abhishek Bachchan too, who happened to be in the same mall that time for Raavan's promotion. I dint find him cute at all, wonder what girls drool over him for :O
yeh lo..aaap bhi dekho

But now , since the Monday has finally arrived ( kyun kyun kyun :( ), we are back to the lab, still not over the handover of the weekend together, waiting for out prof to assign our projcts. We'll be given a list of projects today , from which we'll have to decide out topic to work on for the following month, in groups of two... Watt lagne waali hai boss :O
Sounds like you had an awesome time! The thing with most internships is that you initially have fun and then the workload builds up BIG TIME! :P
yea.. we can feel its the lull before the storm...!! just got our project topics today :O
sound like you had an awesome time! we can feel its the lull before the storm
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