please stay away...
or atleast don't make a huge fuss of your love by talking incessantly about your boyfriends/ girlfriends or how much they love you and think of you and call you every half an hour. Good to hear that they share every bit of their day with you, where and when and why they are going and what are they wearing. But boasting about how they even tell you about what flavour of candy they are eating right now or what colour their undie is just not so impressive. Sweet and mushy it may sound to others to some extent, but no one gives a rat's ass in being told all the time about how they suck up every inch of your space and life. You people undermine the value and the sanctity of love, and there is no way your immature trumpeting of your undying love (which is nothing less than an attention-deficit disorder in reality) will get people to respect your relationship. There is a certain dignity about relationships that one needs to maintain, and that is only how you get others to respect and look upto you..and not by over dramatized display to the world of every tiny occurence with your other half..
I say this because I don't want to turn cynical of the idea of relationships and love to see people around me happy with their loved ones. Its a blessing I long for. But with people like these that completely change the definition of mature love, I can only get more repelled..
Kya baat kya baat kya baat!!
U spoke my heart out!!!These gals...swear...they actually make me go Ewwwwwwwww....!!
so true...!!!
Awesome awesome post! Big round of applause.
You couldn't have put it better. Such people in 'love' only realise that what it really was after the 'love' ends..then they learn that it only was 'mutual temporary attraction'. I say this with first hand experience. But I learnt what the real 'love' was..when i was the exact opposite of the above girls you've described! :) :)
i kinda feel allergic to such people who feel their relationships are just meant to show off their pretensions to the world... feel like smacking them on their face and tell them to GROW UP :P :P
i kinda feel allergic to such people who feel their relationships are just meant to show off their pretensions to the world... feel like smacking them on their face and tell them to GROW UP :P :P
really yaar
awesome post
matured love
that's what is a scarce commodity
Good post. Thankfully, I don't know (m)any people who do that. :P
Most of the people surrounding me are generally mature enough about their relationships to know not to divulge "TMI". :)
@ gurdit :
1. ur lucky..
2. people around u in XLRI are grown up already :P
People in XLRI are grown up?
Hehe, that's a matter of perspective, but ok, I'll accept your judgement. :P
I mean, look at think I'm grown up? :D glad I haven't countered such people.
one of your best posts! Couldntve put it in better words..or even anymore.. AWESOME! Loved it! :)
@ gurdit: i recently saw some piks of yours on fb, and i shall reconsider my opinion :P but going by your style of writing, i find you quite grown up..
@alfan: hahah yea this was a result of annoyance at someone over some time which finally came out here. sounds somewhat like you, now i realize :P
Do I have you on my facebook list?
whoa u r online almost all the time ! Obviously not ! I happened to come across your profile, i think , through some common friend who's in XLRI too. He was in my college.
Oh, I see...add me then.
Or if you use G talk, add me on that. You know what my ID is right?
hahahah, u really want me to add u on gtalk and/or fb ?? cant imagine you are reeady to endure my gibberish further :P
but then what'll happen to the purpose of keeping away from the world in a pseudo-oblivion :O :O
You're welcome to if you want. I just thought that since we're both online, it makes more sense to chat on IM rather than through comments! :P
Best post....even i feel the same way as u do... too good
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